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Coffee Crew


Coffee Crew Newcastle is a business born in lockdown! When our clothes shops closed we just couldn’t sit around so after doing a lot of walking and thinking we were inspired to start our own coffee business. We bought and designed a coffee cart, did all our online training, sourced local suppliers, and started serving the delicious, local Pumphreys freshly ground coffee. 


Our first location was in Exhibition Park then we moved to Paddy Freemans Park and then to Cowells Garden Centre. We are now mobile so follow us on social media to find out where we are today. 



Catering & Events


We are available to hire and can come to your workplace or home or any local events. We provide a professional barista service especially tailored to your requirements. Please contact us to discuss your personal requirements. 


“What goes best with a cup of coffee?

Another cup.” 

- Henry Rollins -

Our Beans


 Pumphreys are an award -winning coffee suppliers established in 1750 based in Newcastle upon Tyne. They are a family business like ourselves and purchase the finest coffee beans from around the world and roast them in a traditional way with flames using traditional open flame roasting drums dating back over 80 years. They taught us everything we know. 

Our Beans


A full-bodied coffee with hazelnut undertones. As the cup is explored, notes of yellow fruits, milk chocolate and pecan nuts are revealed. Soft sweet citric acidity and a lightly syrupy body, create depth and sweetness while the finish rolls gently on the palate.


Daterra is a Brazilian coffee grower and exporter best known for its innovative research, respect for the environment, and its

high-quality coffee in the coffee industry. Plantations are located in the Cerrado region (State of Minas Gerais) and in the Mogiana region (State of São Paulo).



Our Promise


We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by using minimal plastic in the packaging element of our business both in suppliers' products and our own packaging. Below is a list of the items where we have been able to change to reduce plastic usage:


  • Straws: We have oxo-biodegradeable straws, which means it will degrade and biodegrade in the open environment


  • Cup Lids: Our cup lids are PLA (polylactic acid - made from renewable resources such as corn starch, tapioca roots and sugarcane)


  • 'Plastic' Cups: Our 'plastic' cups are made from CPLA - a proprietary combination of PLA, chalk and other biodegradable additives.


  • Paper Cups: Made from compostable materials


  • Wooden Stirrers: From sustainable forest sources


Contact Us


Please contact us to discuss your personal requirements. 

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